A conversation with Scott Rosenfelt, Part II

Scott Rosenfelt, Robert Bruzio, and Raymond De Felitta discuss Scott and Robert’s work on their new screenplay about legendary jazz club owner Skinny D’Amato, how much freedom actors should be given with the script in their performance, and whether or not films and TV should be dialogue or visually-driven. They also discuss the possibility for their screenplay to be expanded into a limited series and how Scott enjoys working with up and coming talent in the entertainment industry.

I think a good director is a writer, has at some level studied acting, knows about producing. I think a good producer knows about acting, knows about writing, or has experienced each one of those...The best things happen when there’s a great collaboration.
— Scott Rosenfelt
Scott Rosenfelt

Scott Rosenfelt

Lauren Taglienti

Lauren Taglienti is an award-winning writer of numerous published pieces who has worked on several indie and short films. She enjoys exploring the line between fantasy and reality in her short stories, personal essays, and articles. Her favorite movie is Mr. Nobody. Lauren is passionate about health and wellness, self-improvement, and spreading the message of empathy and kindness through creativity. She is an undergraduate student studying creative writing and English at Stony Brook University and is very happy to be working as Hangover Lounge's Communications Coordinator and Contributor.


An interview with Iman Zawahry, Part I


A conversation with Scott Rosenfelt